The Day My Dear Sweet Precious Died

It was around noon on Friday, the 10th of July. It was a good day and a religious day. It was a day when God grants all prayers and it was a day when Precious would leave forever. It was a day that I will never forget and a day that I would always regret.

Precious was my best friend, she was my nurse and my doctor. She was my constant companion and someone I loved so very much. She was the sweetest little cat in the whole world and she is gone. She had been sick for a few months with a bad urinary track infection and I was treating her everyday with apple cider vinegar so she could eat and she was ok. But this is not how she died. She died a martyr, I guess. She died alone.

So on that fateful Friday, she motions she wants to go outside so I go over to her and kiss her on the forehead and pet her very gently and I look in her eyes and tell her, "You want to go outside?" She wags her tail and jumps on the window. So I opened the window and swat her on the butt like I always do. I thought to myself, that she wants to go and play and be happy.

Precious was my constant friend and she has demonstrated over and over again how much she loves me. She has been my nurse when I was sick and she sleeps with me in the winter under the covers. Precious just loves the heater. She is fun, caring and yes she does kiss me gently on the lips when she is trying to butter me up for food. She never ever complains and only on occasion turns her back to me.

I remember one day when she was lost and trying to find her way home. The neighbors call me that they had found her, so I run to get her. When I see her, I call out, "Precious." She sees me and runs to me so very fast. She jumps in my lap and kisses me right on the lips. The whole neighborhood clapped for joy. They had never seen a cat who loved her mom so much. Precious was so happy as her mom had saved her. I call Precious and she walks beside me and the both of us go home. Precious became a rock star after that and everyone would always ask, "Where's Precious?" They are asking the same thing today, where's Precious?

I never imagined a day would come when Precious would not be here. I never imagined how cruel people can be but indeed they are very cruel. For indeed she was murdered and so were many other cats on that day.

I called Precious and called her but she did not come home. I searched and searched for her but Precious did not come home. I finally realized that something had happened to her and I became incredibly sad and incredibly worried. I went to the landlord and told her, someone is trying to kill all of the animals. I felt my inner child screaming this out. She laughed at me and I locked Baby my other cat in the house that night.

The next day Noor and Muhanin were missing and so was Panchie. I had locked baby just in the nick of time but where was Sweetie? Sweetie and Panchie were stray cats that just sat in the yard and we feed from time to time and Noor and Muhanin belonged to the landlord. Someone was killing our entire family. Someone was committing genocide of our most cherished love ones. It was just too horrible to even think about. I was just too horrible to imagine.

The next day I grabbed Sweetie and placed her for adoption in the local shelter. They do not put them asleep here they keep them forever till they get adopted. They have tons of food and water and they are very well taken care of, I hope. She did not even say goodbye to me but gently goes to the other cats and then runs when she sees the food. She was happy, but I was not. So besides the pain of losing our family cats now I had to give away a friend who depended on us all.

As I return to the home, I am in shock. I had to do more and more to find Precious. I looked everyday and walked everywhere and I prayed. Yes, I prayed so much and I cried even more. I implored my lord for mercy and I asked him to rectify the affair. But to my dismay and my horror, she never returned.

I have tried to cope with the loss, but I cannot. I have tried to handle the pain, but I cannot. I want to scream and scream that this is not fair but the words won't come. My soul aches and I can see Angels everywhere and I can see emptiness everywhere. When I look to see her place where she slept, I see emptiness. I see that she was never there and I see yes she has gone on. I want her back, I want her to be in her place and yes I want the people to pay who did this.

My sorrow is so much and my pain is so deep and I am nothing now without her. Deaths come to many as it did to my husband 7 years ago and yes we eventually do accept it was for the best but for now, it is pain.

The hardest part is not knowing how she died and knowing if she suffered. I so want to bury her body and wrap her in a cloth so beautiful. I so want to dig her grave and lie her in it gently, not even wanting to think of her being thrown in some trash dumpster somewhere. I want and hope she did not suffer much and that indeed she was not afraid but that it happened very quickly. I do know that she is better off now as I know Allah is merciful. I know he is all forgiving and I know that his bounty is much more than on earth. So as I part with her on this day, try to think of her as I do with the Angels.

Mr. Ponchie - The Death of a King

There was this big white cat who came to my door one day and wanted food.  He was very polite and would stand back and let all the other cats eat first.  He would not let me approach him at all, but if I stood back away from the door and allowed him freedom, he would run in very quick to eat some food. 

He learned quick that Baby was in charge, so he would go first and kiss her.  He learned quick that if Baby loved you, she would allow you to enter.  So each day Mr. Ponchie would cry for food, kiss baby and run to eat some food I put out for him and then retire to a chair.

I was never allowed to get close to him. Never allowed to pet him, never allowed to massage his massive body.  My landlord even mentioned how tough Mr. Ponchie was.  Mr. Ponchie had been abused by so many people that he would never let anyone to get close.  We adopted many cats and those cats had babies.  Once there yard was filled with cats Mr. Ponchie disappeared.

I always wondered where Mr. Ponchie was.  I moved to another home a few blocks away and one day sure enough, there was Mr. Ponchie.  He started coming to my home everyday for food and then one day I got real brave and I reached down to pet Mr. Ponchie and you know what, he let me.  It had been 2 years since I first saw Mr. Ponchie, but by now he trusted me.  So one day I gently reached down and picked up Mr. Ponchie and he allowed me to hold him just a few seconds, but it was enough to hold him close.

Mr. Ponchie had never known what love was before, but he did now.  I would just get teary eye thinking about Mr. Ponchie and how he never had anyone to love him.  He never knew any comforts of this life.  I also remember the first time Mr. Ponchie came in from the cold weather and discovered how wonderful it was to lay close to a heater.  He would stretch out and just enjoy the heat so much.

He was someone I loved so dear.  He would come a few times a day and cry to come in.  He was the head macho cat outside and a force to be recokned with but in my home he was a pussy cat.  He always knew his place.  We loved him to death.  He got injured a few times and one time someone shot him in the foot, but he recovered.  He always got better.  I always doctored him and he got well.

Then one day he came with a huge injury. It appeared he had an infected eye which I kept doctoring but as I was cleaning the huge amount of pus from his eye, I discovered a huge hole in his head right next to his eye and another injury down in his cheek. The injuries were perfectly round and very very deep.  I tried to take him to the doctor but he absolutely refused to get in the carrier. I had a taxi waiting  but Mr. Ponchie refused. 

I had a vet who was suppose to come to treat him, but he never came either.  Mr. Ponchie would get better and I would feel relieved and then he got much worse.  As much as I tried, I could not get the infection under control.  Then the infection caused Mr. Ponchie to have swollen abscesses in his throat.  He was deadly sick now.  I was scared.

So I plotted on how I could get Mr. Ponchie to the vet.  I trapped him in the bathroom and pushed him in the bag.  He fought back but he was so weak he gave in.  I called the taxi right away and ran him to the vet. By the time we got there Mr Ponchie was so sick, he could not move.  The vet picked him up and placed him in a small carrier to take him upstairs. I just knew they could make Mr. Ponchie well.  I never ever thought he would die.

In that week I had 4 cats injured.  A small kitten died from a horrific fall and then maggots attacked the open sore, then Mr. Ponchie and then Mr. Fluffy had a bad injury to his leg and had to be taken to the hospital.  While I was there, I asked about Mr. Ponchie and they told me he was real bad.  I asked about his chances and they told me 50/50.  But I never thought he would die.

Fate was never in Mr. Ponchie's corner.  They did not operate on Mr. Ponchie for 4 days to take the fluids out of his neck.  During this time Mr. Ponchie refused to eat or drink.  It could have been he was so scared or it could have been he was just too sick. When I took Mr. Fluffy to be treated I debated about visiting Mr. Ponchie but the vet frowned.  I asked him would it be worse on Mr. Ponchie to see me and then not go home and they said yes. I made the fatal mistake of not visiting Mr. Ponchie.

So on Sunday I called to see if they operated and they did, but said he was extremely dehydrated and was in bad shape. The next morning at 8:30am the phone rang and a woman on the other side "cat dead."  She was forceful and awful. I screamed, "What do you mean cat dead?"  I told her I want to speak to the doctor. I told the doctor this is dead wrong for her to say this. She should have said she was sorry to give me the news or something. 

I begin to wonder what kind of treatment Mr. Ponchie got. Was he left to die alone with no help at all? Did they even care about Mr. Ponchie leaving him to suffer for 4 days?  When I took Mr. Ponchie in they were having a party and the doctor did not even want to look.  I assume they just put Mr. Ponchie in a cage and left him.  No one cared about Mr. Ponchie and he died all alone.

I often wondered if I did right and if dying in my arms would have been better.  I honestly did what I thought was best, but in the end my dear sweet Mr. Ponchie left this earth.  People were shocked Mr. Ponchie was gone, but no one really loved him like I did.  He was a white knight that came and left.  He never knew love, just from me.

Mr. Ponchie died on June 10th, the same day as my father and my grandmother.  Another cat I had died on July 10th 2010.  I wonder what it is about the date the 10th.  My world is not the same without Mr. Ponchie.  He was someone I counted on seeing daily. He was the light of my life and someone I have missed so bad.  I hope Mr. Ponchie is happy now and is out of pain.  I hope God tells Mr. Ponchie how much I care.  Mr. Ponchie, mama loves you so much.

The Best Small Animal Pet Carriers Available for Travel

The day was Halloween 1998 and I was on my way to Jordan.  I had my cat Tiger with me and we had gotten her shots and all her paperwork done.  She was frightened and she was not sure what was going to happen next, but I had purchased a Sherpa Pet Carrier and paid nearly $100 for the bag.  They are much cheaper now.  The bag I purchased is just like the picture of Kristin Cavallari and Bardot.  Almost 15 years later, I am still using the same bad with one tiny patch that my cat made.

The bag is so executive looking that few knew I had a black and white cat inside.  Some will look carefully.  The bag fit perfectly under the seat and although it is not forbidden, opening up the carrier and allowing your cat out may not be accepted by all.

The people sitting next to me were not thrilled.  I would open the bag occasionally and pet Tiger and reassure her that everything was fine.  The air trip was more than 8 hours.

When I arrived in Jordan, I went up to the official at the pet station and told him, "I have a cat to declare."  I wanted to make sure I had no problems.  He told me, "No, you do not have a cat."  I was stunned.  I told him again, "Yes, I have a cat."  He looked very stern at me and said, "NO! You do not have a cat."  I just smiled and kept walking.

When I got to the area where my husband was waiting, he ran to kiss me and of course his first concern was how was his cat Tiger. He opens the carrier and pulls Tiger out and starts kissing her.  We had made it to our new home and me and Tiger were very happy.

Sherpa Pet Carriers is a Once in a Lifetime Investment.

This article will show many of the Sherpa Pet Carriers because I feel they are the absolute best. This beautiful pet carrier that is approved for use under the seats on many air carriers only cost $59.00 and prices run from the low $40,s to the premium line of $100. Sherpa has many types of carriers.  You must check with the airlines if you have a large pet.  There are pound limitations and sizes of the carrier.  Storing animals in the airline storage area is not suggested unless you have no other choice.

Original Black Carrier

This is the one I own and have the same one since 1998 - $75.47
You will never regret this purchase.  I am so thrilled to show you some of the most beautiful and practical cat carriers you can imagine.

Medium Size in Red - $55.00
The ultimate in safety and comfort, this popular carrier from Sherpa's Pet Trading Company features: Mesh panels for ventilation Top and side entry with roll-up flaps on three sides provide the ultimate privacy for your pet A convenient shoulder strap and large accessory pocket Quilted for the ultimate fashion statement. Please measure your pet do not go by weight, your pet must fit into the carrier for weight to be a concern. Length: is from the nape of the neck (where the collar falls) to the base of the tail Height: is from the floor to the shoulder Weight: should not exceed maximum weigh.

All Sherpa original deluxe carriers include:

  • Mesh panels for ventilation
  • Top and side entry
  • A convenient shoulder strop.
These comfortable, stylish bags are approved for use on major airlines. Small and medium sizes fit under most airline seats. (Large - check with airline)

Ultimate Bag on Wheels

Ultimate Bag - Medium - $88.00
Sherpa also carries a beautiful, top quality bag for those who are not able to carry their dog or cat on their shoulders. 

Features Include:

  • Mesh panels for ventilation
  • Top and side entry
  • Roll up flaps on three sides for ultimate privacy for your pet
  • Convenient, detachable, adjustable pull strap seconds as a shoulder strap
  • Large accessory pocket
  • A quilted texture for the ultimate fashion statement
  • Carrier rolls flat on four wheels, no tilting, to provide your pet with a comfortable travel experience

 There's no greater luxury for your pet than a ride in the Sherpa-On-Wheels Pet Carrier! Take a load off your shoulders with the detachable handle pull / shoulder strap and its recessed easy-glide wheels for smooth steering motion. This bag makes any adventure attainable for both you and your furry friendFront and top entry Mesh panels on four side for ventilation and panoramic view Roll-up flaps, roll down shades for privacy Travel tray - " bed in a bag", for additional convenience External double mesh pocket for storage Washable faux lambskin liner Detachable handle pull / shoulder strap Inside leash ring please measure your pet before ordering as pet carriers are non returnable due to hygienic reasons. when measuring for the length take tape measure and measure from the base of the neck collar area to base of the tail this is your length measurement and it needs to be under 16" in order for your pet to fit. to measure the height which is the floor to the shoulder it should be no greater than 10". please measure and do not go by your pets weight when ordering travel carriers as we all know pets are like people they come in all different shapes and sizes. this carriers will fit under an airline seat with the major carriers and is airline approved

Traveling with Pets

When you travel with your pets consider giving them a tranquilizer prior to departing.  Animals can become very anxious on long trips. Make sure you have a portable water and food bowl that you can put in the bag with you.  You do not want to feed them too much if at all so they do not go to the bathroom a lot and smell up the cabin causing others to complain about your animal.  Take some disposable liners for your carrier and their favorite toy.  Make sure to have their papers ready and a hotel checked out prior to going on your trip.

Read: Pet Friendly Hotels in Jordan