Cats Have Feelings - Signs That Your Cat Feels the Loss of a Loved One

Baby my cat is always depressed since her mom died. She is a psychological mess. Baby was brought to me as a tiny kitten, someone had killed her mom and all her family, she was an orphan. She was so small and she needed milk. My cat, Precious, had just lost all her kittens and had milk. So as fate would have it, she adopted Baby.

Baby was a mess with a broken arm and soon to have a broken tail. I took her to the doctor and they extracted tons of puss and blood out of her badly infected shoulder. Baby was not a normal kitten, having to hobble on her leg. But Precious adopted her as her own kitten. For two month she cradled her and washed her and fed her and then after two months like many moms do, she kicked her away. Would never have anything to do with her again.

Baby and Precious lived with me for over a year when one day Precious got very sick and we had to doctor her all the time. She was the sweetest cat ever. I loved her so much. Precious went out the window one day never to return, the neighborhood children killed her and many other cats too. Our home was empty and I cried all the time. Precious was with me for 6 years. So baby watched me deteriorate and baby got worse and worse. She could not breathe anymore.

I had to rush Baby to the hospital and find out she was depressed. She breathed so hard and her heart had so many palpitations I thought she was dying, but the doc said she was depressed. A way most cats get when depressed is they plain don't eat. Many cats will hide in unusual places and turn there backs to their owners. All you have to do is look in their eyes and you can tell how they feel.

Cats are amazing creatures. They can give you one stare to let you know how angry they are. They can't speak but they sure can slap you with their paw. I remember once I was disciplining my cat Muffy and he screamed bloody murder and with the force of Goliath he smacked me with his paw. He was so strong. Then he runs out in the yard and screams and screams. He screamed so loud even the children cried. He was hurt and he was upset.

Cats sometimes will just mope around when depressed also. Baby turns her back to me or just won't let me love her at all. She still has palpitations that occur at the slightest incident. One day, I brought a blind kitten home to nurse and the kitten died. Baby found the kitten and went crazy. She screamed and she screamed. Her heart started beating so fast and she practically died in my arms. She jumped in my lap and hid her eyes in my arms as if she was so afraid and ashamed.

It broke my heart to see her that way. I comforted her and yes fed her some of her favorite treats. She soon calmed now until the next day when she found the kitten again. Cats never forget. Baby never forgot the day her mother died, kind of like people I guess. With cats they cannot talk to get help but they have their ways.